1 May 2020

Press Release


PFLUGERVILLE, Texas (April 29, 2020) — Mayor Victor Gonzalez recognized the importance of local economic development professionals during the April 28 regular telephone/video conference Pflugerville City Council meeting with a proclamation declaring May 4-9, 2020 “National Economic Development Week,” and noted the ongoing work of the Pflugerville Community Development Corporation (PCDC) and the Pflugerville Chamber of Commerce to support the small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.


“We acknowledge that now, more than ever, local economic developers are assisting small businesses and helping keep #PflugervilleStrong during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mayor Victor Gonzales. “This proclamation recognizes the continued efforts of the Pflugerville Community Development Corporation and the Pflugerville Chamber of Commerce for their dedication in creating, retaining, and expanding jobs that facilitate growth and provide a stable tax base.”


Now in its fifth year, National Economic Development Week was created by the International Economic Development Council, the largest professional membership organization for economic developers to recognize the unique role that economic development has in creating vibrant communities with strong economies.

“We are fortunate to have a strong relationship with our economic development partners at the City of Pflugerville, Pflugerville Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Solutions Capital Area Board, and Pflugerville Independent School District,” said Amy Madison, PCDC Executive Director. “This collaboration has never been more important as we open up for business again and work together to restore our economy.”

On April 16, the PCDC and the Pflugerville Chamber of Commerce partnered with the Pflugerville Economic Development Foundation, Recurrent Energy, and Montoya & Monzingo, LLP, Certified Public Accountants to establish the Pflugerville Pfund with nearly $40,000 to help support small businesses in Pflugerville. During National Economic Development Week, PCDC and the Pflugerville Chamber are asking others to donate and assist small businesses in their recovery. To learn more visit,

Over the span of four years, more than 450 National Economic Development campaigns have been created throughout the United States and Canada, creating millions of impressions, hundreds of news stories, blog entries, videos, events, and other activities. Cities, counties, and states recognized the week in past years through official proclamations, local community events, and informational campaigns online and through social media. The United States Economic Development Administration (EDA) has also issued a statement commemorating Economic Development Week in past years.


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